
Medications and Medication Advice from Local Pharmacy Hervanta in Tampere

Welcome to your pharmacy!

Is your day's schedule to pick up a prescription medication or another pharmacy product, or do you need medication advice and instructions? Our caring and helpful staff is here for you.

While you easily pick up your prescription and other medications from us, our pharmaceutical staff will guide you on the correct and safe use of medications. We provide all the necessary information from medication storage to their interactions, including use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Do not hesitate to ask us anything, we are here to help!

Medication Dose Dispensing

Local Pharmacy Hervanta's services also include popular and safe automated medication dose dispensing. Dose dispensing makes medication management easier: you get your two-week supply of medications in clear single-dose packets, dated and marked by time of day.

In addition to making medication use easier, automated dose dispensing

  • minimizes medication intake errors.
  • is a hygienic option.
  • is an economical choice, as you pay only for the medications delivered, not for packaging.

By choosing our medication dose dispensing service, you also get a medication review to ensure compatibility of your medications. Contact us or come visit!

Prescription Renewal and Acting on Behalf of Another

Would you like to renew your prescription or act on behalf of another person? Both are possible at Local Pharmacy Hervanta.

Our friendly pharmacy staff can make the prescription renewal request on your behalf and send it to your doctor.

If you want to purchase medications for your child, spouse, or another person, you can do it in two ways:

  1. Show the person you are helping's Kela card, patient instructions, printed summary.
  2. Create a Pharmacy Service Authorization in the service. Once the authorization is made, you must prove your identity at the pharmacy, after which you can pick up another person's prescription medications or renew their prescription.

If you need more information, contact us at your convenience!

Contact Us ›

We Accept Medication Waste

Local Pharmacy Hervanta in Tampere accepts expired and unused household medications free of charge. All medication waste returned to the pharmacy is processed as hazardous waste.

Please consider the following when returning medications:

  • Remove any patient information markings (such as instruction labels) from medication packaging.
  • Bring medications to the pharmacy preferably in a transparent, sealed plastic bag.
  • You can remove tablets and capsules from their original packaging. Tablets and capsules in blister packs do not need to be removed from the packaging. Empty glass jars can be taken to glass recycling and empty plastic jars to a waste bin.
  • Liquid substances should preferably be in their original packaging in a separate plastic bag.
  • Always return iodine tablets and other iodine-containing medications in their original packaging in a separate transparent plastic bag. Iodine-containing products include Jodix tablets and Betadine and Iodosorb products.
  • Return mercury thermometers separately from medication waste. Enclose broken mercury thermometers in a sealed glass jar, for example.
  • Return syringes and needles separately from medication waste. For safety reasons, package them in an impenetrable container, such as an empty plastic bottle or glass jar.
  • The pharmacy accepts only medication waste, mercury-containing thermometers, and syringes and needles. The pharmacy does not accept other waste (e.g., chemicals, hairspray bottles, battery-operated thermometers or other electronic devices, batteries, etc.).

Thank you for your cooperation!

Check the availability of your medication in the Medicine Search Service

We participate in the Medicine Search Service, through which you can check the stock situation of the medication you need at your chosen pharmacy.


Explore the Medicine Search Service ›

Sijainti Soita